Thursday, November 24, 2011

Do you often change your mind?

I have, or should I say had, this strong aversion against tattoos and now I am going to have two tattoos. They are small ones, a butterfly and a Colibri just above the bikini line and I am very excited about it. It's all because my new G/F begged me to have them. She even asked me to have a third one on the inside of my thigh. I haven't decided on what it should be. Any suggestions? I still don't like the huge tatts.|||what about some symbol that shows your love for her, but only the pair of you understand.

by that i mena, avoid tattooing her name on your thigh, but what about her name in a chinese character, or her favourite flower or something??

tattoo's are great, but im a firm beleiver in only getting them somewhere that you can cover them up eventually. can you imagine being a 90 year old with two full length sleeve tattoos???|||No. It has happened sometimes, and probably will happen again in the future, but it is not by any standards a frequent occurrence.

"It's all because my new G/F begged me to have them."


That's an absolutely horrible reason! If you want to get a tattoo, it should be because that is what YOU want! Not because somebody else convinced you to! Really, how stupid are you? What's going to happen, say, five years down the line when this new girlfriend of yours might no longer be your girlfriend at all, and you'll be stuck with those tattoos regardless? What if you won't like them anymore, either because they'll remind you of her or because of your previous aversion against tattoos? THEN what?

Okay, I'll just shut my trap and quietly disappear, now.|||dude are u sayin that this gf is makin u to do something u dont want to?? come on if u don't like to have tatts y do u make urslef then?? jus becuz of her?? i dont think u know what u're doin cuz it's ur own body n if u like not to have one, then don't do it! not even small one! cuz im totally sure after a while u'd be sorry for what you've done n at that time there wouldn't be this girl with u to make u feel u've got these tatts for a gud romantic reason!!|||And when you split up you will always have the tattoos.

If you can not have them for yourself then you should not bother , unless you are simply crying out for acceptance.

[="Oops!"=]|||I tend to be of the camp there is nothing like a completely natural person. No fake trimmed hair down there, no waxed legs, no pierced body parts. and absolutely no tats.

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