Saturday, November 19, 2011

My colibri lighter's side roller-bar doesn't spark, its loose!?

I already asked this question and it got deleted for no reason! Anyways, how do you tighten a lighter with a side roller-bar? it wont make any contact, it basically spins around with no friction or anything. I took it apart (kind of), and the only way I can figure to do it has something to do with the slider at the top right next to the flint..I can pull it back but it doesnt appear to do anything! Help please!|||I've used Zippo lighters for years. In similar cases, I've found the spring that pushes on the flint loses its tension after a while. I find that stuffing an extra flint in the compartment usually fixes the problem. You will have trouble spinning the wheel at al the first few times but in a little while, it will work normally. Good Luck!

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