Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is some quiet ammo for the Mossberg 802 Plinkster rifle?

i need some quiet ammo for this rifle becuase of where im shooting it i was looking at the colibri ammo so im getting some of that but i also want some ammo that can go through the magazine as well while being quiet and this all is a .22 cal rifle|||visit for tons of ammo. Here's some Aguila that would probably do nicely.鈥?/a>

If that's too expensive I'm sure they have something else. Remember, subsonic ammo isn't completely silent, as that would be illegal.|||well the quietest way to go would be some .22 shorts...but u would probably have to single load those since they are shorter than the .22lr that ur magazine is designed for.....

** btw even "quiet" ammo still makes noise and will get u arrested if u are in city why do u need to be quiet??|||Use CB Shorts. They sound like a weak hand clap. You have to shoot them one at a time because the powder sharge is too weak to cycle an auto-loader.|||colibris will work in the magazine of any .22LR, your just going to need to operate the action manually since the colibris don't have the power to operate the action, preferably from the shortest barrel possible, since you don't want to end up with a squib or a shot which doesn't leave the barrel, if you know I mean.

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